Wednesday, July 1, 2015

broken link!

the scoops

are on



was form
erly occu
pied by a
real cool



A virtual warehouse or depot, if you will, in cyberspace yes in other words a magazine for the storage and compartmentalization of some of our weirdest and mostly wildly scattered acolytes having their way in the wire dome.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

~Teletransportation Portal~

You have been directed to this page because you clicked a link on the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction or one of its myriad extended tentacles such as its companion Art Archive Site, the FREE ZINE ZONE, to name just one example. 

Be warned of the slight degree of flight turbulence ahead:

Breaking news for  FREEZINE readers, if you reached this message the reason is because one of our Freezine Veteran authors has secured a real publishing deal which we are not even to whisper about in our own secret dreams.

In other words, the story to which you were being linked has been grabbed up by one of the tentacles of the extended elder manifestations of the publishing industry - i.e, the story had to be been taken down from our zine.

While this may have temporarily disrupted the eternal cyclic domino chain of formerly uninterrupted hyperlinks which gave the FREEZINE its form perpetually uncoiling in cyberspace, the "broken links" which have resulted after our author moved up a level should be thought of as so many severed vine limbs necessarily pruned in order to keep this labyrinthine hedge maze under control. Just consider it a part of the extended editing process necessary to maintain the spirit of our zine.

So head's up!  The point being, several Freezine Veterans are slowly and surely getting their books put out and gaining more recognition every day, to which we all have cause for rejoicing.

Which is all the more reason for you to go through the remaining digital archives asap before the vultures of commerce peck away the final tender mummified threads of our once only slightly more glorious cyber rag.

So if you haven't subscribed or otherwise followed the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction, consider doing so at once.  Spread the word and share the stories with your friends. Read over sixty original and unique fictional visions which remain archived here for free, while you still can.

The FREEZINE has been around since its inception issue in JULY of 2009, when we launched the world wide debut of a new John Shirley novella called SKY PIRATES  {Boing Boing announcement} along with short stories by Johnny Strike, David Agranoff, and Keith Graham.